Understanding the Basics of Microneedling

what are basics of microneedling

Learn and understand the basics of microneedling from a Practitioner near you

Collagen is the major structural protein that gives skin its texture and elasticity. Healthy skin has an ample amount of collagen. As we age, the structural breakdown of collagen occurs and the body loses its ability to produce new collagen. When this happens, fine lines and wrinkles start to appear.

The radiance, smoothness, and firmness of the skin are determined by the levels of collagen present in the skin. One way to boost collagen levels is to stimulate its production artificially. To do so, the skin is pricked with multiple small sterilized needles. They cause sub-surface wounds in the skin. This sends the body into a healing mode and stimulates the body to produce collagen and elastin to heal the pricked skin.

As a result, fresh collagen is produced at a rate higher than the normal rate of production. This heals the existing scars and gives a youthful appearance to the skin. This treatment is known as Microneedling or collagen induction therapy. This is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that helps with the following skin concerns:

  • wrinkles
  • acne scars, sunspots
  • alopecia
  • hyperpigmentation
  • stretch marks
  • rosacea
  • loose skin

How is Microneedling Performed?

  • This treatment is performed under the supervision of experienced dermatologists or aestheticians. Some do-it-yourself micro needling kits are also available in the market, but dermatologists recommend not to perform this treatment yourself. The reason being that inexperienced individuals don’t know how to use derma roller and might end up injuring their skin. The derma roller exposes the skin to multiple contaminants and bacteria which is why proper sterilization of the equipment is crucial for performing this treatment.

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure with no downtime. The treatment can be performed in 10-20 minutes. 4-6 follow-up visits are usually required to see a difference. The treatment is performed as follows:

  • A numbing cream is applied to the face. It desensitizes the area so that needle pricks cannot be felt across the face.
  • Once the numbing cream sets in, the aesthetician will use a pen-shaped rolling tool and move it across your face. Multiple tiny needles protrude from the tool which causes small pricks in the face. As a result, some bleeding occurs.
  • The blood is cleaned and the aesthetician applies a soothing cream or serum on your face afterward.

basics of microneedlingThe rationale behind causing small punctures on the face is that the body’s healing mechanism will be activated. Collagen and elastin will rush to fill in the dents made by microneedles. Microneedling is usually performed on the face but it can also be performed on the stomach or thighs.

What to Expect Post-Treatment

Microneedling is a fairly safe process. You can continue with your routine work after getting this treatment. However, look out for the following issues post-treatment:

  • Skin becomes red and irritation may occur a few days post-treatment. Redness is an indication that the skin is healing and the treatment is working. If the redness is too prominent, you may apply concealer to bring the skin to normal color when going out.
  • Apply generous amounts of sunscreen when going out. The skin will have increased sensitivity to the sun after this treatment.

With the right post-treatment care, most people start to see improved skin texture a few days after the first session. Like all cosmetic procedures, micro-needling carries certain risks. Whereas mild skin irritation is normal, the following side effects may be indicators of an underlying problem. Consult the doctor if you encounter the following issues after the treatment:

  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Infection
  • Peeling of skin

This information has been brought to you by Alladerm. Contact them for more information.

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