Scientifically Proven Differences and Similarities Between Botox and Dysport

botox and dysport

Dermatologists near you define differences and similarities between Botox and Dysport

Wrinkles and fine lines are prominent signs of aging. They start to appear as the skin slows down in its production of collagen and elastin – the two substances that give skin firmness and plumpness. Whereas wrinkles cannot be avoided, modern-day science has made enough advancements to reduce and delay their appearance. Neuromodulators such as Botox and Dysport are two popular and effective forms of wrinkle treatment.

These neurotoxins are administered through injections. They work by blocking muscle contractions and freezing them in their place. Hence, the appearance of fine lines is drastically reduced. Botox and Dysport are derived from botulinum toxins. Apart from being used in beauty treatments, they are also used to treat migraines, overactive bladder, depression, and muscle spasms that may arise from neurological disorders.

Let us take a look at their functioning and effectiveness in fighting against wrinkles to determine which is a better-suited treatment for you.

Dysport and Botox – A Comparison

  • They are both non-invasive wrinkle treatments that have the same main active ingredient. However, the amount of trace protein differs. Due to this, one form of treatment may be more effective than the other for some people.

Working of Dysport

  • Dysport is most effective at treating glabella lines. Glabella is the skin above the forehead, eyebrows, and nose. Glabella lines become more prominent when a person frowns. As we age, glabella lines start to sink in and become more apparent even when the facial muscles are relaxing and are not in a frowning position. When the skin loses collagen, the muscles lose their ability to go back to their original position and stay fixated in a frowning posture. Hence, lines on the forehead become permanent.

Dysport is used for treating moderate and severe cases of glabella wrinkles. Mild glabella lines are usually treated through dermal fillers. An experienced dermatologist will help determine the appropriate treatment for your glabella lines, depending upon their severity.

How is Dysport Performed?

  • Dysport is administered into the skin through injections. Before giving an injection, a mild anesthetic will be applied at the area of treatment. The anesthetic prevents the patient from experiencing any pain during the procedure. In the beginning, injections containing 0.05 milliliters (mL) of Dysport are administered in the forehead and around the eyes. They are usually administered in five rounds.

It is a simple procedure with no downtime and can be performed in a doctor’s office without the need for hospitalization.

botox and dysportBotox

  • Botox differs from Dysport in its area of application. Botox is used for treating crow’s feet and laugh lines. Sometimes, it is used for treating glabellar lines as well. Like Dysport, Botox too does not have any recovery time and can easily be performed in a doctor’s office.

How Long Do Both Procedures Take?

  • These procedures are so popular because they are easy to administer. A single dose of the treatment takes 30-60 minutes. This much time can easily be spared during a lunch break as well. Usually, the patient is free to go home after the treatment.

The effects of Dysport start to kick in pretty fast. The initial results start to appear within 48 hours of the treatment. With the passage of time, the results become more prominent. It takes two weeks for the results to become most apparent.

  • For botox, the results become apparent 3 to 5 days after the treatment. It usually takes 14 days for the results to become fully apparent.

If you have age-related wrinkles and fine lines, Botox and Dysport can be good fixes for these. Alladerm provides effective wrinkle treatment in the form of Botox and Dysport. Visit our website for more information.

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