Is Laser Genesis for Acne Scars Effective?


Experts near you reveal astonishing facts about laser genesis for acne scars

For most people, active acne is a lesser evil when compared to acne scars. Whereas the average pimple heals in 3-5 days, the residual scar left by it will take months to heal. In some cases, acne scars are permanent as collagen is permanently damaged by acne-causing bacteria.

The most common types of acne scars are as follows:

  • Atrophic scars appear as small hollow pits in the skin. They are formed when the damaged collagen cannot be repaired completely as insufficient fibroblasts are produced during the healing process. Hence, the damaged collagen appears as hollow indentations.
  • Hypertrophic scars are formed when the skin produces excessive fibroblasts at the affected site. Due to this, these scars appear as raised bumps.

Acne scars are aesthetically unappealing and can affect a person’s self-esteem. To bring the skin’s texture back to normal, laser genesis is being used to treat acne scars. Let’s learn more about its work and effectiveness in treating acne scars.

Laser Genesis for Acne Scars – How it Works?

Laser treatment has a dual-action formula. It works in the following two steps:

Step No. 1

  • When the laser is applied at the site of the acne scar, the heat from the laser loosens up the uppermost layer of the skin. As a result, the top layer of the scar peels off and underlying fresher and smoother skin is revealed. Peeling off the top layer helps diminish the appearance of the scar.

Step No. 2

  • The new skin is exposed to the heat and light from the laser. Both these elements stimulate cell regeneration and growth. The heat of the laser gets the blood pumping to the scarred area which rejuvenates the damaged site. As a result, inflammation is reduced and the scar starts to fade out. The skin appears plumper and smoother.

Common Types of Laser Treatments and Their Working

Listed below are the most common types of laser techniques and their working mechanism:

Ablative laser resurfacing

  • This type of laser technique uses erbium YAG or carbon dioxide laser. It is used for the complete removal of the top layer of the area where the acne scar is present. You may experience redness after the procedure which takes 3 to 10 days to subside.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing

This type of laser treatment uses infrared rays for healing acne scars, without damaging the top layer. When non-ablative lasers are applied to the skin, the heat stimulates the production of collagen and new cells are produced. New skin cells replace damaged skin and acne scars start to disappear.

Fractionated laser treatment

  • This type of laser treatment works beneath the upper surface and interacts with the underlying darkly pigmented cells. These cells are stimulated and new cell growth is generated. Fractionated laser treatment works well for Boxcar and icepick scars.


What to Expect from A Laser Genesis Procedure

Laser genesis treatment does not give immediate results. Since it works by stimulating collagen, the results start to appear in 7 to 10 days post the treatment. The results are permanent, however, acne scars may not heal completely after one session.

  • The effectiveness of the results depends upon how much care you take. Avoiding unnecessary sun exposure, frequent application of sunscreen, and postponing your tanning sessions is crucial for the success of this treatment. Your physician may recommend a special toner or moisturizer as well.

This information has been brought to you by Alladerm. They provide top-notch laser genesis services.

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