4 Levels Of Chemical Peels: How Do They Help Your Skin?

4 levels of chemical peels

Read below to learn more about the 4 levels of chemical peels and their benefits

Chemical peels may be the right option if you want a healthy, refreshed complexion and a younger look. Chemical peels help treat skin issues like wrinkles, sun damage, age spots, acne scars, and more. This article highlights different levels of chemical peels and their effectiveness for your skin.

Level 1: Very Superficial Chemical Peels

  • Superficial chemical peels act more like an exfoliation. They work on the superficial layer of the skin to remove the built-up dead skin cells that make your skin look dull. An exfoliating agent such as glycolic acid cream is used 2 to 4 weeks before the procedure. This allows the chemical peel to penetrate deeper into the skin.

In addition, the use of exfoliating agent smooths out thickened, rough areas of the skin, thereby helping skin rejuvenation agents reach deeper tissues. Moreover, the use of vitamin A exfoliants stimulates collagen production. An aesthetician or a board-certified physician can perform the superficial chemical peeling.

Level 2: Superficial Chemical Peels

  • They work through the epidermal layer of the skin to remove the built-up dead skin cells that make your skin look dull. Some superficial peels remove only the stratum corneum of the epidermis, while others reach deep to the basal layer. Superficial peels cleanse the pores and remove blotchy skin discoloration.

They are the most commonly used chemical peels and utilize glycolic acid, and AHA blends as the active ingredients. Peels containing higher than 30% glycolic acid are performed ideally in a medical setting. Home peel kits contain minimal glycolic acid levels or a salicylic acid blend.

Level 3: Medium Chemical Peels

  • Medium peels penetrate the entire epidermis to exfoliate cells within the papillary dermis. The papillary dermis is the thin top layer of the dermis. It supplies blood and nutrients to the epidermis through its blood vessels and connective tissue network. Pre-peel use of exfoliant, a bleaching agent, and broad-spectrum sunscreen are started one month before the procedure. This is done for patients who require more aggressive forms of peels.

It is essential to consult with a certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon before going for the treatment. This will help avoid possible complications and unwanted outcomes. Since medium peels penetrate the deeper layer of skin, they produce more pronounced results than light chemical peels. Level three chemical peels may not be suitable for people with darker skin tones due to the likelihood of irregular skin pigmentation after the treatment. Medium peels are well suited for skin issues like acne scars, wrinkles, sun damage, liver spots, etc.

Level 4: Deep Chemical Peels

  • levels of chemical peelsDeep chemical peels go across the epidermis, papillary dermis, and into the deeper layer of skin known as the reticular dermis. As the name indicates, deep chemical peels penetrate the deepest into the skin by removing the entire epidermis and the papillary dermis. Patients must be placed under general anesthesia and monitored for specific health conditions to perform this treatment.

Deep peels may carry some risks, which is why they are performed only by a highly trained, board-certified provider. They address the most significant skin concerns, including deep wrinkles, laxity, pre-cancerous growth, uneven skin tone, and more.

Alladerm believes that everyone deserves to look and feel their best. That’s why we offer the safest cosmetic procedure, including the chemical peel procedure, at discounted rates. To learn more about our services or to book an appointment, call us today at 949-916-7166. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!

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