3 Important Things to Know About Radiesse Dermal Fillers

what is radiesse dermal fillers

Learn effectiveness and working of radiesse dermal fillers from a dermatologist near you

As we age, our body goes through certain undesirable changes that manifest themselves in the form of wrinkles and fine lines. To slow down their appearance and to repair them, dermal fillers are used. Dermal fillers are made of gel-like substances that are injected underneath the skin. They help restore volume and fight off fine lines by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

There are many types and forms of dermal fillers which target different skin issues. One of the more popular and widely used dermal fillers is Radiesse. It is administered through an injection and it stimulates the production of collagen. As a result, the facial skin becomes plumper and the wrinkles are removed.

Let us take a more detailed look at Radiesse fillers, their working, and their effectiveness.

What is The Working Mechanism of Radiesse?

Radiesse fillers are made from calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) gel. Radiesse fillers start working immediately after being injected into the body. The reason being that CaHA is made of phosphate and calcium ions and these ions already exist in the human body. Hence, Radiesse has an easier time mimicking and assimilating in the human body.

The working mechanism of Radiesse fillers is as follows:

  • In the beginning, the gel fills in the contours of your face giving it a feeling of plumpness.
  • With time, the CaHA starts interacting with the naturally occurring collagen and invokes the body to produce more collagen.
  • The hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen in the gel form a structure that is similar to the human connective tissue.
  • Over time, the CaHA is completely absorbed in the body after stimulating the production of fresher collagen.

The results from one dose of Radiesse injections can last up to two years.

Procedure for Radiesse Fillers

The following steps are involved in the administration of Radiesse fillers:

  • radiesse dermal fillers

    The esthetician will first determine the target areas where you need the injection.

  • The esthetician will then clean the target areas with an antiseptic where the injections will be administered.
  • After that, the dosage of the filler will be determined.
  • Before injecting the filler, the esthetician will apply local anesthesia at the target sites to prevent your body from feeling any pain.
  • After that, you will receive the injection.

Radiesse injections can be administered in as short as 15 minutes, depending on your requirement. There is no downtime for these fillers and you will be able to leave the esthetician’s office soon after getting the injection.

  • The usual target areas for this procedure are the wrinkled areas around the nose and the mouth. It is also used for treating laugh lines and for filling in deep facial scars.

What to Expect After The Procedure?

  • Radiesse fillers work fast. In most cases, patients notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of their skin. Full results can be observed within a week of the injections. These injections don’t give permanent results so you will have to get another dose after 1.5 – 2 years. Some people may require maintenance injections in between the major treatments.

Most patients experience some swelling at the site of the injection. Normally, it goes down within 36 hours. Mild pain and discomfort after the procedure can be treated with OTC pain killers.

To get the best results, you should contact the experienced estheticians at Alladerm. We offer multiple customized dermal fillers for all your dermal issues. For more information, call us at 949-916-7166. We offer services in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.

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